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Poker Tips with Grapevine

Fore Word

The reports blew through the poker grapevine like a dry wind out of Texas. I mean, it was always the same thing, always the same story. Some kid had invaded the traveling pro full tilt poker circuit down Texas way and taken over where I’d left off. After having played twenty years in Texas, I was naturally curious.
Who was this kid who’d appeared out of nowhere to dominate the group of established poker professionals? Quite frankly, I was getting pretty irritated hearing about this Bobby. Just wait until I get this kid across the table from me! I thought.
Well, I finally got him across that table. First thing I knew, I was forty thousand loser trying to run over him. I finally settled down and got even, but Bobby won all the money. Again! I knew how Pat Garrett must have felt about Billy the Kid a hundred years ago.
After I got to know Bobby, it wasn’t hard to understand how he’d mastered poker in such a short time. He approaches all poker games with such professional diligence and intensity that he absorbs the fine points almost immediately.

Poker Professional

The longer I play with the Owl, the more I watch in amazement the subtle, intricate maneuvers and strategies he employs. They took me years to perfect.
The fact that Bobby is an all-round poker master was established in 1977 when he came to Binion’s Horseshoe Club and walked away with the World Series of Poker titles in both seven-stud and deuce-to- seven lowball. Those two conquests netted him $135,000. As you know he won the big event in 1978, the nationally televised no-limit hold ‘em championship at Binion’s,. That was worth $210,000. Bobby is a poker professional who doesn’t care who’s playing, what they’re playing or how high the stakes are. When he approaches a poker tips at table, his vocabulary seems to be limited to, “Deal me in.” He’s so super-aggressive that I sometimes wonder why he doesn’t get a sore arm from shoving all his chips to the center of the table so often. Despite his aggressive brand of poker, Bobby’s one of the most pleasant and gracious persons I’ve ever known...a true Southern gentleman.

Traveling Poker Player

He prefers the life of a traveling poker player, going wherever the action happens to be. Since he’s only a phone call away, he “mysteriously” shows up whenever there’s a no-limit game or when they’re playing $1000-limit hold ‘em.
Being on the road constantly is a tough life. I can tell you from experience. But chasing that white line down the middle of the highway is exciting and rewarding if, like Bobby, you’re talented enough to make it happen.
Bobby Baldwin is a gambler who grew up. Some don’t. A lot die broke and begging, chasing a grade school fantasy beyond their sixties, still believing that luck—the god Luck who shoveled them under will dig them out as a last loving gesture.
Bobby Baldwin, the poker champion of the World at 27, grew up a few years ago. After too much pain. He didn’t suddenly wake up Christmas morning with the wisdom required to demolish neteller poker opponents. Wisdom grew day by day over fifteen years of mistakes and suffering.
There never lived a poker player who got smart overnight. There are too many traps hidden along the path to the World Series of Poker. Even for Bobby, blessed with his keen mind and perceptive outlook, the struggle was long.

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